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Our Projects

Making changes to ensure clean water for a lifetime.

Chiques Creek Reenvisioned Project

A collaborative watershed restoration initiative to support Pennsylvania’s pilot alternative TMDL approach.


Penn State was awarded a Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Fund grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation in 2015 to facilitate a watershed partnership in the Chiques Creek watershed. Drawing from past successes with the “Conewago Creek Initiative”, the AEC team plans to facilitate collaborative work among diverse stakeholders in the watershed. There are many groups already doing great work in the Chiques Watershed, and the AEC team hopes to bring all stakeholders together to increase successes and share resources.


The project is meant to complement the alternative TMDL approach work that the PA Department of Environmental Protection and the Susquehanna River Basin Commission have been leading over the last year. By bringing together public and private entities, the Chiques Creek Reenvisioned partnership hopes to increase outreach and engagement of landowners in the watershed and accelerate the adoption of land management practices to improve water quality, in support of existing and continued efforts in the watershed.


Goals of the Project:​


  1. Development of a watershed partnership and organizational structure to facilitate collaboration and collective action.

  2. Development and implementation of a comprehensive monitoring plan for the watershed to establish baseline conditions and measure impact and changes in condition.

  3. Development of a strategic watershed plan for implementing actions to achieve water quality goals.

  4. Achieving baseline compliance for all farms in the watershed.

  5. Increased implementation of BMPs on agricultural lands, leveraging existing funding sources and partnerships.

  6. Demonstration of programs for cost effective tracking and verification of BMP implementation.

  7. Development and delivery of “Read the Farm” whole farm conservation Extension programming that brings farmers and service providers together in a collaborative, field based learning environment.

  8. Development and delivery of professional training on design, construction and maintenance of stormwater best management practices for municipalities and the local landscape community.

  9. Increased implementation of stormwater best management practices on urban/suburban lands through an innovative multi-municipal consortium and through best strategies for cost effective use of funds.


For questions and to get involved in the partnership, contact:Kristen Kyler, Project Coordinator, Penn State Agriculture & Environment Center or 717-948-6609


Logan Park Floodplain Restoration

Project Description

This project consisted of restoring the floodplain of Rife Run at Logan Park located in Manheim, Pennsylvania. The work of this project contributed to the solution of the Chiques Creek Watershed by reducing non-point source pollution and improving water quality. The project included removal of 10,000 CY of legacy sediments, 1,500 LF of relocation and restoration of the Rife Run stream channel, 2.5 acres of wetland creation, seeding, stabilization, and planting of native trees and shrubs. Construction started in July of 2015 and was completed in October of 2015.


Project Goals

Project goals included: Stream bank erosion reduction, wetland creation, filtration of storm flows, increased habitat and diversity, community education, nutrient/ sediment reduction, and improve overall water quality. Additional environmental education and interpretive signage are planned for this site.

Logan Park

Clean Water Partners Fund Grant Awarded​


Rapho Township was awarded a Lancaster Community Foundation Clean Water Partners grant in the amount of $5,000 for improvements at a property recently acquired by the Township at 1050 Drager Road, Columbia.  The property had been damaged many times by flood waters, and it has now been cleared by the Township to remain as open space in perpetuity.  The grant funds will help the Township to stabilize the creek bank adjacent to the property and plant a riparian buffer on the half acre lot.  The Chiques Creek Watershed Alliance hopes to partner with Rapho Township in their efforts to plant the buffer, with a tree planting event in spring 2020.


Chiques Creek Grant Opportunity


We currently do not have an grant openings at this time.



Chiques Creek Grant
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